

Today started out in HECK. My husbands work hours changed so he's up at 5AM, that's fine I guess, it gives me a few quiet moments before my daughters wake up. But, today the alarm clock woke up #2 (I refer to my 3 daughters by number because I can't remember names now-a-days??) as well as Hubbs. Fast forward... everyone is awake, fed, dressed, on their way to school and I'm pushing the double stroller taking #2 & #3 to a doctors appointment. 

I live in the burbs and have to take a train into town. I'm feeling good, I'm on time and no body is crying. The train pulls up, I step forward to board and
BOTH of my front wheels fall off the stroller into the track... did you hear me?!?! BOTH WHEELS FALL OFF THE STROLLER INTO THE TRACKS!!!

 I'm flabbergasted, I'm overwhelmed and more importantly I'm stuck... I back my children and my wheel-less stroller off the train. The conductor is pleading with me to not climb down into the track to get the wheels. "I won't" I promise her and the train pulls off. I can't get back home, I can't get on a train, I'm legit STUCK on the handicapped ramp at the train station, in the cold, by myself with my 2 girls... So after 10 minutes of "darkness", I say (out loud, to the powers that be) Screw that!! I'm going to get my damn wheels!! And I climb down into the track... YES the AMTRAK train tracks, The very same tracks that frequently feature the High Speed Acela train...

So, I've got my wheels and my life and I'm back on the platform waiting for the next train which is about 25 minutes away. when up pulls an AMTRAK emergency vehicle. A worker hops out and is looking at the track then back at me. Finally he yells out "Where's your wheels" I say "I've got them". He then yells at me for climbing onto the track...

I've got my wheels, My life, I'm on the platform AND now I've been disciplined by an angry AMTRAK worker and its not even 9:30AM yet...

The next train comes I get on, I'm finally on my way. But low and behold I can't fit down the aisle  with the new stroller (this is her maiden voyage) So I'm stuck in the way, during rush hour... FINE! I'll sit in the door and be in the way But then I realize I've forgotten my pass to pay for the train so that means paying the $10.50 in cash... Oohh and I forgot to tell you, I'm in a rush to get to a doctors appointment that my 2 month old will be getting 4 shots at :( 

Thank goodness for my mother who just showed up at the hospital because she knew I was on the verge of an explosion. Finished the appointment (My little mama is healthy and growing fast) and had Chinese food, coffee and chit chat with Mommy <3

Just another day in the life of a mother... I guess???

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