
MoM VoX BoX!

Hey Blog Babies!! I've been SUPER busy this past month. I got a job and was away in Houston doing job training. I've been back home since Saturday and it only took me a week to open my Mom Vox Box from Influenster...
 Lets start by stating: "I was BEYOND excited to open this box". You might have thought I was receiving gold or cash!! And in all honesty, free samples ARE gold!!

I got:
  1. Ivory Bar Soap
  2. DenTek Comfort Clean & Flossers
  3. Stash Tea Superfruits Tea Sampler and Nektar Sweetner
  4. Quaker Soft BAked Cookie AND...
  5. ImPRESS Press-On Manicure by Broadway
The cookie did not survive to take pics...

 Since I've always used Ivory, this was a definite win. I have sensitive skin and my daughters have eczema so Ivory Soap is perfect. No dyes, no perfumes, just soap. I'm weird but, I like when after I've showered my skin squeaks...literally, squeaky clean lol

The Stash Superfruits Tea Sampler has 6 flavors: Acai Berry, Blueberry, Yumberry Black Currant, Goji Berry Green, MangoSteen Green and Pomegranate Raspberry Green Tea. I'm sipping Pom-Raspberry as I type, DELICIOUS with 2 tsp of honey. I'll get back to you on the other flavors but the box smells HEAVENLY

I don't think you can really "review" flossers and honey so I'll jump right ahead to my favorite thing in the box.

My new job has very strict policy about the colors we can paint our nails so, I'm saving these for a special occasion or some days off... Broadway's ImPRESS Press On Manicure nails come in a container that looks like a nail polish bottle. Turn the cap and pull up to remove it and the bottle portion flips open.

The color I received is called "Velvet Rope" it's a purple, lilac-ish color. Not something I'd normally pick for myself but I'm feeling adventurous lately so I will try it. I'm amped to try a few of the other colors and designs... 

Stay tuned for when I get to actually use the nails and put them with a look!!

Disclaimer: I received each product in the Influenster Summer Beauty VoxBox complimentary for testing purposes from Influenster.