
Best In Show

Best In Show

Gothic jacket, $1,684
Necklace, $22

I've been super MIA lately. I can't say I have a particular reason why I haven't been posting but here's a few things that have gone on in the last week or so...
  • I joined a Mommy and me group in my area and we meet weekly to create pandemonium in our downtown area. Literally 10 strollers deep we were, standing in front of the library laughing, exchanging phone numbers and ogling each others baby's. It was nice to see and talk to other mothers desperate to be with adults again. I found it AWESOME that at 27 I am the youngest mother but have had children way longer than any of them and have been dubbed "the one to go to" LoL
  • I got called back for an interview with British Airways. It's a part time position in customer service. I went on the interview last Wednesday and have yet to hear back from them. In my head that  means I've not gotten the job but I'll hold out hope until at least this Wednesday
  • I hosted a small dinner party in my home. This is a BIG one because: 1)I HATE having people in my personal space 2)I'd not really met any of the people that came. One was my husbands friend his new wife and friends of theirs, and 3) We've lived in our condo for almost 2 years and this is the first time we were having people over. I cooked a meal and a half... Lasagna, Mac N' Cheese, Lemon Pepper Chicken and Barbecue Chicken, Collard Greens, Steamed Veggies, Corn Bread and Potato Salad. Everything was delish and I ended up not hating every minute
  • I'm most proud  being acknowledged on Polyvore. The site where you can edit and design your own interior and fashion designs. I've been on an interior design high and so far I've done 18 or 19 rooms. Polyvore has featured two of my rooms on their homepage!! So that means if you go on Polyvore you see 2 of MY DESIGNS right there on the main page!! Maybe my husband was right and Interior Decorating IS my calling....
Since I couldn't pick just one of my rooms, I'm sharing an outfit I'd absolutely wear with you. I'm not positive it will work but click the link above and see my other interior designs, let me know if it doesn't work please

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